Improving Your Skills as a Defensive Linesman

The best defensive linemen at any level all share the same qualities. playing and tackling with leverage, excellent “hand to hand combat” skills, and superior quickness (given their size of course). It is possible to teach and to imrpove on all these qualities in any given player. Leverage is extremely important to a defensive lineman because it is just that rare that he will be able to make a tackle without being already engaged by another offensive lineman.…
History of the Dallas Cowboys

While the Dallas Cowboys are an extremely popular NFL team, they didn’t necessarily start out that way. The Cowboys joined the NFL in 1960 as an expansion team. The first season, they didn’t win a single game, in fact the only tie they had was against the New York Giants. The next year they were able to make their first NFL Draft pick. This got them started on the road to becoming “America’s Team.”
The Cowboys spent the rest of the 1960’s building a roster to help them become contenders in the NFL as well as courting the loyalties of the Dallas fans.…

How Hockey Players Are Creating Abundance on the Ice Rink Through Meditation
Article by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance
Ice hockey is known for being a high-octane full-contact game full of fast skating, big collisions, and even the occasional bout of fisticuffs. In order to perform at the highest level on the hockey rink, players must have a strong level of mental toughness to deal with the danger and intimidation that is part of the game.
Hockey and meditation are two things you don’t often hear in the same sentence.…
Do You Need Special Clothing for Meditation?
There’s a never-ending list of things to do and never quite enough time to do those favorite pleasurable activities. Many of us feel guilty if we spend too much time relaxing. Instead of feeling guilty about the time we spend in worry-free enjoyment, we should actually relish it.
The need to simply relax has become so prevalent in all societies that techniques like Yoga have become quite popular, along with Zen Gardens where you can meditate and find tranquil inner peace.…
Forging a Unique Path to Success Through Creating Abundance
Article provided by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance
When you understand what success really involves, you are ready to start your own individual journey to achieve your dreams. Success is about having it all: a home, a family, a business and still having the time and energy to do things that you love. For athletes, success is about winning and winning strategies are key.
Be Cautious of Dreams that Come too Easily!
When the Dream comes too easily and quickly, people are often caught off-guard.…
How to Use Visualization to Create Abundance in Sports World
Article provided by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance.
You can set your inner mind and emotions on an amazing journey towards abundance in your sports career. For many, this will bring a rich state of emotional and physical relaxation. This is a journey of discovery where you create feelings of abundance not just in sports but in every area of your life. If you want to open up to it, you can become wealthy in your spirt, soul and body.…
Creating abundance in your sports career
Article by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance
When we think about achieving excellence, we always think about the great players in every sport. They consistently won games and were awarded trophies. But what sets these types of players apart from others? Sometimes the answer lies simply in the way people think about life, success, and their careers.
If you want to be a winner, then you must be well disciplined. We all know that soccer and football players practice a great deal.…