Sports Spot

Creating abundance in your sports career

April 19, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

Article by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance

When we think about achieving excellence, we always think about the great players in every sport. They consistently won games and were awarded trophies. But what sets these types of players apart from others? Sometimes the answer lies simply in the way people think about life, success, and their careers.

If you want to be a winner, then you must be well disciplined. We all know that soccer and football players practice a great deal. They take their sport seriously. They eat healthy and live a healthful lifestyle. Those who are consistently good on the field do have some aspects of their lives that set them apart from others.

One of the things that can create abundance in your sports career involves how you view yourself and your skills. Today we find that many people have limiting beliefs about life and their own success. They have settled for mediocrity because they simply cannot see themselves as winners. For some of us, this begins in childhood with how we hear our parents speaking about life.

Once you are an adult, you can get to the bottom of these limiting beliefs and overcome them. Below are three important ways to accomplish this:

Talk to yourself about how amazing you are and how you have what it takes to win.

Meditate each day. Find a quiet place, close your eyes and take several deep, cleansing breaths. Visualize what success looks like. Imagine yourself a winner.

Choose a life without limits. You can achieve anything you set your mind to.

The great Teacher Zhang Xinyue, a well known spiritual leader, was born in China. In 2012 she wrote her best-selling book Create Abundance. Her development of the Create Abundance system aims to promote a helpful and healthy approach to life’s philosophical problems. By building a unique and highly effective plan for body-mind-spirit cultivation, she has succeeded in helping tens of thousands.